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Version history e-Pressed 0.2 Modifications
  • Use of thin flexible cable instead of conductive thread. This caused short cuts and breaks too easily. We had a lot of fun placing the heat shrink tube around every connection, great stuff!
  • Use the Arduino Diecimila instead of the Lilypad. This was easier for development and uploading of new software.
  • We replaced the felt 'buttons' with custom shaped foam ones. We wanted to have a larger area for people to press because of the differences in build with each person.
  • We left out the emotional states switch because we wanted to use real time bio-feedback data which indicate stress or low energy.
  • Galvanic Skin Response sensor for measuring stress.
  • Three pairs of interactive buttons which respond to the different stress levels.
  • Program for letting the LEDs inside the button blink with a fade in and fade out.

e-Pressed 0.1 Description
We developed this prototype in three days during the Designing Hybrid Wearables workshop at Mediamatic, we used a simple white shirt. For buttons we used felt protectors usually used to protect the floor from damage by furniture. They all contain a white mini LED for signaling. For the connections to a micro-controller Arduino Lilypad we used conductive thread which we stitched on the shirt.
Because of the short time we didn't use any sensors for this prototype. Instead we used a mood switch which we made out of conductive fabric and a hair pin on one of the sleeves of the shirt to be set by the user manually. The moods we aim relieve with the wearable are: Anger, Chaos, Panic, Depression and Low energy which correspond with 4 sets of buttons. After the workshop we decided to continue together on this project.
GRS sensor at test stage
Photography A. HertenbergerGRS sensor at test stage
First version of heart-beat sensorAnother version of heart-beat sensorGRS sensor electrodes eroded
Photography D. Roberts & A. HertenbergerTwo hart-beat sensor tests, GRS electrodes
Building the buttons
Photography D. RobertsBuilding the buttons
Button designButton designButton design
Artwork & photography A. HertenbergerButton designs
e-Pressed 0.2 interior
Photography A. Hertenbergere-Pressed 0.2 interior
e-Pressed 0.1
Photography Dana Gordone-Pressed 0.1
Mood switches on e-Pressed 0.1
Photography Jean-Baptiste LabruneMood switches on e-Pressed 0.1
e-Pressed 0.1 button
Photography Jean-Baptiste Labrunee-Pressed 0.1 button