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aqabAir Quality Awareness buddy: sensing, smelling, sharing


danielleAQAb is a project by media artist Danielle Roberts. She has been working in this field since 1998. In the first years the focus was on internet and CD ROM productions. Through personal, interactive pieces she visualised the exceptional in every day moments using video, animation, photography and text. Through the years her interest shifted to programming online applications and working with (personal and biofeedback) data which make it possible to visualize the processes of the mind.
Working with sensors in a wearable environment is the most recent step in her development. As a consequence of internet and ubiquitous computing the data are more and more 'live'. This makes it possible to penetrate deeper into the matter of every day life and the mind discovering patterns and motivations. Can these data help to shed a light on the mystery of Life?

You can contact Danielle Roberts through info[at]aqab[dot]nl.

All material on this website is copyright of Danielle Roberts unless otherwise stated.